You’re a savvy procurement manager, just living life procuring things. But did you know that Canada has a history of lawsuits whose precedents govern Important Procurement Laws Managers Need To Know About

Procurement corruption is an ethical company’s nightmare. Sometimes the corruption is obvious, but often it’s subtle and seems harmless—such as when a vendor gives How To Avoid Procurement Corruption

If the thought of moving to an e-procurement process gives you chills, you’re not alone. Many purchasing managers worry that e-procurement is too complicated Benefits of an E-Procurement Process

Discover the distinctions between competitive and non-competitive procurement processes. While competitive procurement promotes transparency and competition, non-competitive focuses on specific suppliers. Evaluate the pros and cons for your business.

It’s the sort of thing that gives office managers and procurement experts nightmares: a procurement issue has ballooned and is now costing the company 5 Procurement Nightmares You Can Avoid

Over the past 15 years the frontier of a global economy has broadened extensively thanks to the Internet. And now more than ever, procurement Is the Future of Procurement Cloud Technology?

There is nothing both the technology and procurement worlds love better than a new, shiny buzzword. That penchant for the trendy, I should say, Procurement SaaS: a Buzzword Explained

So…you’re in charge of the purchasing at your firm. You might be a purchaser, general manager, procurement officer or, in some cases, the owner An Introduction to Purchasing Best Practices

Dive into enhanced procurement management, understand its impact, and discover future trends. Learn how technology is reshaping procurement for efficiency and strategic growth.

Explore the intricacies of the 2024 procurement process, from identifying needs to finalizing purchases. Enhance your strategy with a focus on efficiency, digital solutions, and sustainable practices in procurement.

Procurement, not unlike other operational divisions in business, is in a constant state of progression and evolution. What’s more, good procurement leads to smarter 3 Procurement Procedures to Implement for Smarter Purchasing

Procurement and business profitability go hand in hand. It’s a massive component of any company’s costs. In fact, estimates from consulting giant PwC peg How Can Procurement Make Your Business Profitable?