Uncover everything about purchase orders: their purpose, content, and functionality. Learn the advantages of electronic systems, the comparison with invoices, contractual aspects, and how Procurify simplifies procurement. Decide if they’re right for your business.

The Dangers of Relying on A Paper Trail Running a business, with all of its hassles; dealing with vendors, customers, payroll and other administrative The Truth About Paper Purchase Orders

The progressive trajectory of procurement practices in the last few years have been something to marvel at. The back office spend centres of yesterday How to Improve Your Purchase Order Cycle Time Right Now

If you are curious to find out what a non-PO or Non Purchase Order is, you are probably already familiar with its opposite — What is a Non-PO (Non Purchase Order)?

Quite a few things can go wrong. However, if you and your supplier agree on what action should be taken in such situations, the Purchase Order: How To Not Get Sued & All Other Legal Concerns

For many purchasing and finance leaders, a blanket purchase order offers an easy opportunity to streamline the procurement process and improve operational efficiency. Quite What Is a Blanket Purchase Order?

What is a Purchase Order? (If you are already familiar with Purchase Orders, skip to What is a Self Purchase Order below— either way, it What Are Self Purchase Orders & Why They Are Bad For Business

Thanks to the development of more sophisticated purchase order software, almost all common (and embarrassing!) mistakes in the procurement process can be eliminated. But 5 Common Purchase Order Mistakes to Avoid in Procurement

So, your organization uses purchasing spreadsheets to handle a multitude of critical procurement processes and, in effect, to help manage entire departments. Business software, Why Using Spreadsheets for Purchase Orders Is a Bad Idea

Purchase orders are very much like clothing: one size does not fit all. But whether a company is a small startup, a mid-size enterprise How Purchase Orders Work for Companies of All Sizes

Consider us the “Mythbusters” of the procurement world. We’ve collected some myths and misconceptions about purchase orders and compiled them here, so we can 6 Purchase Order Myths You Need to Know

For those of us that watch/analyze/critique the procurement world on a regular basis, it is easy to get caught up in the freshest, trendiest The Importance of Purchase Orders