If you happened to be trick-or-treating on Halloween way back in 1999, it’s likely your bag of treats came up short. Halloween 1999 still ERP Failures: Why You’ll Spend Millions on ERPs That Don’t Work

Before the millennium, all-in-one ERP softwares were commonplace in fast-growing organizations. Teams could perform all back office functions from one place, without having to All-in-One ERP Software: Why It’s a Recipe for Disaster

Implementing new technology or systems has always been difficult. Most companies fail when implementing new technology, albeit the success rate has improved slightly over Implementing an ERP Procurement Process in Project Management

This interview is taken from an episode of the Spend Culture Stories podcast. The Tech Stack of a CFO – Why ERPs and “One Size The Tech Stack of a CFO – Why ERPs and “One Size Fits All” Solutions Are Dying – Paul Riegel

What is an ERP?  What the brain does for the body, the ERP (or ERP software — we can use any of these terms) does for an organization. Every part Everything You Need To Know About ERPs: A Ready Reckoner